What is an AI BOT trading? It's a software that trades for you.
We must build the logic of the trading system.
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This is a very trivial example of AI for trading. It is based only on book order volumes and two moving averages over a 5 minute time frame.
I am developing algorithms for the recognition of graphic patterns, the management of the MACD (an example of MACD is already present in this blog).
The function of the Pivot Point is already automated: my Pivot Point algorithm decides which is the right candle from which to extrapolate all the resistances and supports as well as the p.p.(.exe program for Windows here).
from binance.client import Client from binance.enums import * import string import time import dateparser import sys def accesso(): f=open('chiavi.dat','r') #text file : pubblicAPIkey-privateAPIkey rawkeys=f.read() f.close() k=rawkeys.split('-') cl=Client(api_key=k[0], api_secret=k[1]) return cl def ultimoPrezzo(cl,coppia): lP=0.0 while True: try: vPrz=cl.get_all_tickers() break except: print("Ticker connection - error") for i in range(len(vPrz)): if vPrz[i]['symbol']==coppia.upper(): lP=vPrz[i]['price'] return lP def verificaTF(cl,tf): ok=False while True: try: t = cl.get_server_time() break except: print("Server Time Error") ms=str(t['serverTime']) data=dateparser.parse(ms) data=str(data) oD=data.split(" ") orario=oD[1].split(":") if tf=='4H': i=0 d=4 elif tf=='30M': i=1 d=30 elif tf=='15M': i=1 d=15 elif tf=='5M': i=1 d=5 resto=float(orario[i])%d if resto==0 and (int(orario[2])==0): ok=True time.sleep(10) return ok,oD[1] def book(cl,cp): bidsPrice=[] asksPrice=[] while True: try: libro = cl.get_order_book(symbol=cp.upper()) break except: print("book connection - error") for i in range(len(libro)): sumBidsVol=float(libro['bids'][i][1]) sumAsksVol=float(libro['asks'][i][1]) for i in range(30): bidsPrice.append(float(libro['bids'][i][0])) asksPrice.append(float(libro['asks'][i][0])) return bidsPrice, asksPrice,sumBidsVol,sumAsksVol def MA(dati,periodo): prezzi=[] for i in range(len(dati)): prezzi.append(float(dati[i])) ris=0 for i in range(periodo): ris=ris+prezzi[i] ris=ris/periodo return ris def recuperoPrezzi(cl,coppia): vPrezzi=[] while True: try: vTot=cl.get_klines(symbol=coppia.upper(), interval=Client.KLINE_INTERVAL_5MINUTE) break except: print("kLines errore") for i in range(len(vTot)): vPrezzi.append(vTot[i][4]) return vPrezzi def main(coppia,diff): cl=accesso() vP=recuperoPrezzi(cl,coppia) buy=False sell=False inOp=False while True: stampa,ora=verificaTF(cl,'5M')#5M 15M 30M 4H prezzo = ultimoPrezzo(cl,coppia) if stampa: print("Prezzo ",prezzo," - ",ora) ma3=MA(vP,3) ma14=MA(vP,14) print("MA3 ",ma3,"\nMA14 ",ma14) vP.append(prezzo) bidsP,asksP,sumBV,sumAV=book(cl,coppia)#asset name f=open("dati.dat","a") stringa=str(prezzo)+","+str(ma3)+","+str(ma14)+","+str(ora)+"\n" f.write(stringa) f.close() if ((float(sumBV)-float(sumAV)) > 0) and (ma3>ma14) and not(inOp): print("BUY ",prezzo," ",ora) prezzoB=prezzo buy=True inOp=True sell=False elif ((float(sumBV)-float(sumAV)) < 0) and (ma3<ma14) and not(inOp): prezzoS=prezzo print("SELL ",prezzo," ",ora) buy=False inOp=True sell=True if buy: prezzo=ultimoPrezzo(cl,coppia) if float(prezzo)>(float(prezzoB)+float(diff)) : print("Preso Buy ",prezzoB," ",prezzo," ",ora) f=open("operazioni.dat","a") stringa="Prezzo Buy "+str(prezzoB)+" uscita: "+str(float(prezzoB)+float(diff))+"\n" f.write(stringa) f.close() buy=False inOp=False if sell: prezzo=ultimoPrezzo(cl,coppia) if float(prezzo)<(float(prezzoS)-float(diff)): print("Preso sell ",prezzoS," ",prezzo," ",ora) f=open("operazioni.dat","a") stringa="Prezzo Sell "+str(prezzoS)+" uscita: "+str(float(prezzoS)-float(diff))+"\n" f.write(stringa) f.close() sell=False inOp=False #name asset takeprofit main(sys.argv[1],sys.argv[2])
Sorry, alittle mistake in def MA: replace this with the one in the main listing.
def MA(dati,periodo): ris=0 i=len(dati)-1 for c in range(periodo): prezzo=(float(dati[i])) ris=ris+prezzo i-=1 ris=ris/periodo return ris
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